Tip 2: Your Pet
6 Resources
Pet waste is a common stormwater pollutant. Runoff contaminated with pet wastes can contain pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses that are harmful, causing sore throats, intestinal problems, rashes, nausea, and infections. If pet wastes enter water bodies they demand a lot of oxygen as they decompose. This reduces the amount available to fish and plant life, causing them to die.
The typical dog excretes 3/4 of a pound of waste containing 7.82 billion fecal coliform bacteria each day!
What you
- Pick up after your pet every single time
- Do not dump waste in street or storm drain, throw away in garbage or flush down the toilet
- Carry extra bags in your car, so you are prepared when you travel with your pet
- Where available, use provided waste bags
Be In
Below is a list of resources to support stormwater conservation for your pet.