Tip : Rain Barrels

3 Resources

Rain barrels capture water from a roof and hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens or indoor plants. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. It's a great way to conserve water and it's free water for use in your landscape. Many cities and towns distribute rain barrels to residents through annual sales. Other sources include online retailers, local home and garden supply stores. Cisterns are also used to "harvest" rain water. With a greater storage capacity they may be located above or below ground.


One inch of rain falling on a 1,000 square-foot roof has the potential to harvest 600 gallons of water.

What you



Install a rain barrel!!

Be In



Below is a list of resources to support stormwater conservation for rain barrels.

Water Efficient Landscaping

Open Link

Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff

Open Link

Brown Water, Green Weeds: Familiar Signs of Runoff Pollution

Open Link